Rugs and Carpets Blog -

Bring some flavor to your living area by introducing a new style of rugs and carpets

Bring some flavor to your living area by introducing a new style of rugs and carpets

Have you ever been looking around your living space and feeling that something is missing but you aren't sure the reason? It's probably time to purchase a new rug for your living space. There are numerous benefits when you install the rug in your business. Modern living room rugs aren't solely for the living area and can be used for any room in your house whether it's your playroom, bedroom, or even your bathroom.

Carpets for Living Room: What Materials, Sizes, and Colors Are Available Online?

Carpets for Living Room: What Materials, Sizes, and Colors Are Available Online?

Carpets were once hung on walls and covered the floors in apartments. Today, carpet is still very popular but only one copy is used - the middle of the living area on the floor. You can use multiple rugs in the hall to highlight different areas. However, it is important to learn as much about them as possible. You could end up with a sloppy interior and variegated color. Let's find out how to choose the right carpet for your living room.

Floor Carpets and Rugs: Decorate Your Home with Floor-Art

Floor Carpets and Rugs: Decorate Your Home with Floor-Art

Living room carpets offer a unique way to bring together the various elements of your room. Yes, they can even pull together multiple colors. You can choose from a variety of living room carpets available in a variety of colors, materials, and designs. Mool Home offers a wide range of designer carpets and cotton rugs online in India that will spruce up your living room on a tight budget.

Indian Rugs & Carpets: The Truth and the Origin

Indian Rugs & Carpets: The Truth and the Origin

Are you looking to create a warm, luxurious, and elegant atmosphere for your guests? You can bring home Indian rugs with exquisite design and functionality that will make your home stand out. No matter what decor style you choose, Indian rugs or Indian carpets can be a wonderful asset. Indian rugs and Indian carpets look stunning in any decor style, whether it's traditional, transitional or mid-century modern, bohemian or mixed.

Tips and Tricks to Choose the Right Carpets

Tips and Tricks to Choose the Right Carpets

What is the difference between a rug and a carpet? They're both basically identical, with the only difference being the size. The rugs are smaller. In the past, carpets were thought of as flooring covering which was fixed and placed wall-to-wall. Today's carpets aren't always fixed, and they can be folded into a rug-like shape. They are however more substantial than rugs that generally have sides that are under 6 feet.

Why You Need a Rugs In your Daily Routine

Why You Need a Rugs In your Daily Routine

Rugs can change the space in just a little time and without effort. It is able to change the atmosphere and improve your mood and makes you want to stay for a longer period of time. It increases the comfort of the room and also helps to block out the high-pitched noise that can irritate your ears when you're lying on your sofa, listening to your favorite music. When you purchase a brand new house, it rarely comes with carpet, rather it is your responsibility to decorate the space with care and love.

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